Sunday, February 16, 2020

Stock analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stock analysis - Essay Example The management of the company consists of some of the best professionals in the field; this is under the management of Larry Page who is not only the Chief Executive Officer but also the founder. This is a guarantee that he has faith in his company and he understands the importance of the products and the services that the company offers. Having built the company from scratch it is expected that he will lead the company to further growth which will have a direct impact on shareholders wealth The company runs the most popular search website in the world and provides advertising technology to clients on a global scale (Koller, 54). It has technology that enables the users to get better information in regards to search results. There is a clear representation of pictures, videos and text that has made it very popular with users. Its programs such as AdSense and Ad words are easy to use and make it possible for clients to post their advertisements, uptake of these products is expected to increase by 23% in this financial year. Google is in the technology industry and success in this industry is dependent on the ability of an organisation to come up with innovative products and services on a regular basis. Google has been active in the research end and as a result has been able to regularly come up with products that suit the needs of the consumers. Google has an experimentation culture and this ensures that the company always produces new products that keep potential competitors at bay. Therefore this makes a good investment due to the fact that it will always have products that will keep consumers interested. The operational strategy adopted by Google has proven effective. It produces products that are user specific and are targeted towards a certain group of people or companies. This ensures that these products are tailor made for them at a low cost that

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Writing Assignment #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Writing Assignment #2 - Essay Example Products in oligopolistic market structures will usually have very few or no substitutes as in the case of oil. The automobile industry in the world also evidences oligopolistic tendencies with a few large car manufactures selling similar auto models across the world. In most cases, players in such industries are torn between competing separately to win the market and coming together to create a monopolistic situation. Normally, the latter case never works as most companies rebrand constantly to differentiate themselves from their competitors. This is clearly seen in the automobile industry where different auto makers are customizing their brands to suite specific categories of people in the market. In a duopoly market structure, where the market players are limited to two, the common situation is normally cooperation between them so as to limit output to the monopoly style (Perloff 78). In such a case, profit is maximized as the price becomes much greater than the marginal cost. A case in point lies in the operation of Coca-Cola and Pepsi cola which operate in a duopoly situation. Most duopolies are created out of collusion between two or more players who agree to jointly set the price and manage output. Production in that is usually more than in a monopolist but less than in the in the completive market. In the same vein, some duopolies operate as cartels where strict cooperation is the order of the day. Price determination in oligopolistic market environments is always the prerogative of the market players. This arises since these players are normally big enough to influence prices in the market unlike in competitive market environments. In any case, prices in such markets are not determined by the interaction of supply and demand but are a function of the cooperation between the competing firms. Such a pricing strategy is known to create myriad inefficiencies in the market as usually evidenced in the oil industry where the need to rake in more profits